- Business Hours:
- Monday – Friday 7:00 am to 7:00 pm
- Pharmacy Business Hours:
- 8:30 am to 5:30 pm Closed at Lunch / 12:30 – 1:30 pm
Bliss Health offers Gender Affirming Care services to support & affirm individuals gender identity. Our services comply with the new Florida state Transgender Care Regulations. We offer exclusive medical intervention by Dr. Roberto Ortiz.
BLISS Gender Affirming Care Services:
Transgender hormone therapy, also called hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or gender-affirming
hormone therapy (GAHT), is a form of hormone therapy in which sex hormones and other hormonal
medications are administered to transgender or gender nonconforming individuals for the purpose of
more closely aligning their gender identity. (Wikipedia)
Gender affirming hormone therapy consists of either feminizing (estrogen) or masculinizing
(testosterone) hormones.
All types of HRT require a prescription from an MD.
BLISS Mental Health services are designed to promote good emotional, psychological, and social well-
being. Our Mental Health team helps transgender individuals with different emotional issues. They also
help psychologically with any medical or transition process.
TRANSformation is a BlissCARES program for transgender and gender non-conforming individuals. The
program’s focal point is to guide and inform individuals about the basics of gender transitioning. The
courses include information about safety and legal rights, medical treatments, and surgery procedures,
understanding HIV and STDs, and the importance of mental health before and after the transition
process. The interactive classes also include career aspects such as resume writing, job seeking, and the
interviewing process. At completion of this course, BlissCARES will assist with legal name, gender marker
change, and sponsor’s all costs associated with it. The entire process will be guided by our program
specialist, ending with a graduation ceremony, and celebration of a new beginning.
Contact us online at the form below, and a representative will be in touch with you as soon as possible.